Thursday, July 18, 2013

Redheads have more fun?

I got tired of the black. As you know from this earlier post, I tried unsuccessfully to get my hair to a lighter color.

I finally broke down and bleached it. I was terrified. My hair has already been colored more than once in the last few months, and I didn't even know if the black would lift enough not to look really awful.

But I did it anyway. The first time, it was bad. Really bad. I missed spots, and what wasn't still black was a really awful color. So. I bleached it again. The next day. I DO NOT advise you to do this. My hair is resilient, but I had to take a chance to find that out.

After the 2nd bleaching, it was at least all one color. It wasn't blonde, and it wasn't red. It was still bad. I decided to try and see if a pink color would stick to it. I used Special Effects Cupcake Pink. I used a little pink just straight out of the bottle I realized I wouldn't have enough for all my hair. I cut it with conditioner. Half dye, half conditioner.

It turned a more red color, with subtle pink highlights. And I'm perfectly okay with that.

Mission accomplished.

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